How to Know When It’s More than Just Forgetfulness

Dementia is a condition that affects the brain, and it can make daily life challenging. When we’re talking about “early signs of dementia in women,” we’re looking at the first clues that something might be wrong. It’s important to notice these signs early because getting help quickly can make a big difference.

What is Dementia?

Before we dive into the early signs, let’s understand what dementia is. Dementia is not just one disease; it’s a general term that covers many different “types of dementia,” including Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and body dementia. Sometimes, a person can have more than one type, which is called “mixed dementia.”

Memory Loss – A Key Sign to Watch For

One of the “common symptoms” of dementia, and often the one people notice first, is memory loss. This isn’t just forgetting where you left the keys but forgetting important dates or events, repeatedly asking for the same information, or relying on memory aids.

Struggling with Familiar Tasks

People with dementia might have trouble with “familiar tasks” that used to be easy, like following a favorite recipe or keeping track of bills. If a woman who was once a whiz at organizing her day starts struggling with “daily tasks,” this could be one of those early signs of dementia in women.

Trouble with Familiar Locations

Another early sign is when someone gets confused about where they are, even in “familiar locations” like their neighborhood. They might lose track of where they are going or how they got there.

Changes in Social Activities

Dementia can also make socializing hard. Women with the “onset of dementia” may pull back from hobbies, social activities, or projects. If you notice someone stepping back from “social activities” they used to love, it’s worth paying attention.

When to Seek Help

If you notice these changes in yourself or a loved one, you must talk to a doctor. They can help determine if these are signs of dementia or something else. The early signs of dementia in women can be subtle, so it’s critical to be aware and seek help early.

Additional Information On Early Signs of Dementia in Women

Recognizing the early signs of dementia in women is crucial because it can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment, which may help slow the progression of the disease and improve quality of life.

Confusion and Disorientation

In addition to memory loss and difficulty with familiar tasks, confusion is another sign. Women in the early stages of dementia may get disoriented, even in well-known places, or become confused about the time of day or date.

Difficulty with Words

Communication can become a challenge. Women may struggle to find the right words, start a sentence, and then forget what they want to say, or they might repeat themselves frequently.

Changes in Mood and Personality

Dementia can cause shifts in mood and personality. A woman who was once cheerful and outgoing might become withdrawn or moody. It’s also common for those experiencing the early signs of dementia to show less interest in social activities or to feel anxious, depressed, or irritable.

Poor Judgment and Decision Making

Another early sign is a change in judgment or decision-making. For example, a woman might pay less attention to personal hygiene or make unusual choices in social interactions.

Misplacing Things

People with dementia often put things in unusual places and can’t retrace their steps to find them again. This goes beyond simple forgetfulness.

Difficulty with Complex Tasks

As dementia progresses, dealing with complex tasks becomes harder. This can affect a person’s ability to manage finances, plan events, or understand complex instructions.

Physical Changes

Dementia can lead to physical changes as well. This might include trouble with coordination and motor functions, leading to difficulty with tasks like dressing or eating.

Early Diagnosis Matters

Early diagnosis of dementia, including all types like Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, Lewy body dementia, and mixed dementia, is essential. It can give women and their families time to plan for the future, manage symptoms, and seek support.

Getting Support

If you or someone you know is showing early signs of dementia in women, it’s essential to reach out for medical advice. A healthcare provider can conduct tests to determine what’s causing these symptoms and recommend appropriate support and treatment.


Understanding and acting on these signs is critical to managing daily life and maintaining independence as much as possible. There are resources available for people with dementia and their caregivers that can help with everyday tasks, social activities, and navigating the challenges of this condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What lifestyle changes can help manage the early signs of dementia in women?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can be beneficial. This includes regular physical activity, a balanced diet, good sleep habits, and mental exercises. Engaging in social activities and maintaining a social network can also help manage symptoms and improve wellbeing.

Can medications help with the early signs of dementia in women?

While there is no cure for dementia, certain medications can help manage symptoms or slow progression in some people. A healthcare provider can discuss whether medication is appropriate and which options may be beneficial.

How can family members support a woman showing early signs of dementia?

Family members can offer support by learning about the condition, being patient, and helping to manage everyday tasks. They can also attend doctor’s appointments and help make the home environment safe and comfortable.

Are there specific types of doctors that should be consulted for dementia?

A primary care physician is a good starting point. Still, they may refer you to specialists such as neurologists, geriatricians, or psychiatrists with more expertise in diagnosing and managing dementia.

Is it common for women with early signs of dementia to feel embarrassed or in denial?

Yes, it can be expected. The stigma around dementia can lead to feelings of embarrassment or denial. It’s essential to approach the subject with sensitivity and support and to encourage open and honest conversations.

Can dementia be prevented?

While there’s no sure way to prevent dementia, some evidence suggests that a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk. This includes maintaining cardiovascular health, staying mentally active, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

What resources are available for caregivers of people with early signs of dementia?

Caregivers can access various resources, including support groups, respite care services, and educational materials through local health services, community centers, and organizations specializing in dementia care.

What should caregivers do if they feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities?

Caregivers should seek support when needed. This can include talking to healthcare professionals, joining support groups, or looking into respite care options. Taking care of their health and wellbeing is also essential for caregivers.

How can technology assist in managing early signs of dementia?

There are various technological aids available, such as reminder systems, GPS devices, and apps designed to improve memory and organization. These can help women with early signs of dementia maintain their independence for as long as possible.

What role does diet play in managing dementia symptoms?

A healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, can support brain health. Some studies suggest that diets like the Mediterranean diet, which is high in healthy fats and low in processed foods, might be beneficial.

How important is early detection in the management of dementia?

Early detection is vital as it provides the best chance to manage symptoms effectively, slow the progression of the disease, and allow for better planning and support for the future.


Alzheimer’s disease: A progressive, degenerative brain disorder that is the most common cause of dementia. It affects memory, thinking, and behavior.

Vascular dementia: A type of dementia caused by reduced blood flow to the brain, which can occur after a stroke or other conditions that block or reduce blood vessels in the brain.

Frontotemporal dementia: A group of disorders caused by progressive cell degeneration in the brain’s frontal or temporal lobes, affecting personality, behavior, and language.

Lewy body dementia: A progressive dementia that leads to a decline in thinking, reasoning, and independent function because abnormal microscopic deposits damage brain cells over time.

Mixed dementia: A condition in which abnormalities characteristic of more than one type of dementia co-occur in the brain.

Memory loss: A common symptom of dementia where a person’s ability to remember information or past events is reduced or eliminated.

Daily life: Refers to the routine activities that people do every day without needing assistance, such as eating, bathing, dressing, and performing household chores.

Common symptoms: Typical signs of a condition, which, in the context of dementia, can include memory loss, confusion, difficulty with familiar tasks, and changes in mood or behavior.

Social activities: Interactions with other people, such as going to community events, participating in clubs, or engaging in hobbies that involve socializing.

People with dementia: Individuals who have been diagnosed with dementia and are experiencing its symptoms.

Daily tasks: Routine activities or chores that are part of a person’s everyday routine, including personal care, cooking, cleaning, and managing finances.

Familiar locations: Places a person knows well, such as their home, neighborhood, or regular grocery store.

Familiar tasks: Activities that a person has done repeatedly over time and usually can perform without thinking, like using a remote control or making a cup of tea.

Onset of dementia: The initial stage or beginning of dementia when the first symptoms appear.

Body dementia: Often a reference to Lewy body dementia, characterized by Lewy bodies—abnormal deposits of a protein called alpha-synuclein in the brain.

What’s Next for Your Family?

If you or someone you care about shows signs of memory loss or other symptoms discussed here, seeking professional advice is essential. 

Early intervention can make a significant difference in managing the condition and maintaining quality of life. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support and guidance. 

Call Grand Strand Comfort Care at 843-626-2613 to discuss how we can assist you or your loved one in navigating the challenges of dementia with compassionate care and expertise. 

We’re here to help you every step of the way.

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